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How to wear white jeans for every occasion

As summer approaches and the lighter colours of spring start to seep their way into our everyday wardrobes once again, it’s time to revisit light denim. A summer staple that sees you through the warmer days and breezy nights, you can always count on the versatility and reliability of a classic pair of jeans. From casual after-work drinks, to a sophisticated meal out with your in-laws, a pair of denim jeans serves as a classic go-to for all occasions. Deviating slightly from the classic light blue wash – we’re seeing more and more of dyed denim this season. A strong contender in the mix is white denim. 

Admittedly a divisive style, many approach white denim with caution. Why? Well, as we all know, white denim doesn’t accommodate an accidental coffee spill on the way to work, nor does it flatter or mask any problem areas (when you’ve opted for the wrong fit that is). However, this should not deter you as a pair of white jeans can look great if you know what to look out for. Whilst some may still associate white denim with glam rock (think Johnny Borell & co), the trend has gained a new force of momentum as of late. Just as versatile as a pair of black jeans, white denim emerges as a fresh and fun alternative that can be styled to achieve both a casual and smart look. The minimalism of wearing white creates a strong base, which you can then build upon with bolder colours and patterns. 

What marks white denim as a trustworthy and creative alternative to your classic blue pair is the way it creates an instantly more summery and lighter look, without looking too immature or young. With an abundance of different fits, stitches, tones and details – white denim is everywhere this season. As an incredibly versatile item with a fresh feel, a pair of white jeans is an essential addition to your spring wardrobe this summer.

What you should consider when purchasing white jeans

Whilst you can easily find a pair of white jeans from a variety of different stores, finding the right pair of white jeans isn’t always so straightforward. Whilst white jeans can make a great addition to your look, there are a few factors to consider before selecting the right pair for you. Firstly, be cautious of cheap material. Particularly if you’re opting for a pair of ripped jeans, pick out a pair made with good quality, sturdy denim. Jeans tend to endure a lot of wear and tear from sitting on rough surfaces and textures all day, as well as taking the majority of the impact from walking and moving around – so you really need to invest in material that will endure. Cheap material doesn’t just look cheap and tacky; it also doesn’t bode well for longevity. Ripped jeans are particularly susceptible to ripping further. 

As well as the quality of the denim, take into account its thickness. The thin material you find with most jeggings can be hard to pull off, even in more flattering tones such as blacks or blues, never mind white. A combination of thin and cheap material can lead to unwelcome transparency, and no one wants a potential wardrobe malfunction of visible underwear on display. The bonus of opting for thicker denim isn’t just its reliable coverage; it also tends to be more flattering. With thicker denim comes more structure and shape, which can go a long way in making you feel comfortable and confident. Lastly, the shade is important to get right. Unlike black, you’re dealing with a pool of colours here, with some whites ranging from sharper tones to those of a more off white, crème tone. For example, for those prone to stains, opt for a more crème-based white. White is a versatile colour and looks great with most colours, however don’t be afraid to combine white with white. Just remember to select tones of white that either visibly contrasts, or go for the very same shade rather than in between.

How to choose the right white jeans for your body type?

As a timeless and consistent base, denim has survived throughout decades of shifting trends and fads. Whatsmore, the evolution of the style and fit of denim has remained adaptive to a constant rotation of trends; from the skinny jean to the wide leg fit – no matter your preference, there’s a fit out there for you. As we’re finally starting to see more brands cater to different body shapes and fits, the average shopper has more options availabe. This means that you can strategically opt for a fit that suits and compliments your body type. Whilst white denim is often cast as a risky choice, white denim can really work to flatter and compliment your silhouette if you pick the right fit. Feeling comfortable and confident in your white jeans is important, so ensure you pick the right fit to achieve the look you want. For those with an hourglass figure, show off your waist by opting for either a pair of white high waisted, wide-leg or mom jeans. Not only will both of these fits accentuate your small waist, but they also won’t cling to your legs. Rather than hide your curves, celebrate them with a pair of jeans that shows off your figure in all the right places. Equally, for those wishing to create more shape where it’s potentially lacking, a pair of white mom jeans can help create shape around the hips before tapering at the ankle. This creates a classic feminine silhouette without clinging awkwardly to any problem areas.

What items can you pair it with for a casual look?

Your shoes go a long way in dictating the overall tone of your look, so choose these wisely. If you’re after a more casual and laid back style, simply pair your white jeans with a pair of trainers. Combining jeans and trainers instantly creates an effortlessly chic look. Even with a smart tailored denim cut, trainers tone down an outfit whilst retaining an air of cool and sophistication. If you’re more inclined to a cropped jean fit, team your jeans with pair of high top converse. With white, you have the option to inject a bit of colour. For example, with a pair of cropped trousers exposing your ankle area, why not opt for some bold coloured socks to create a more playful look? Socks in bold colours such as red and cobalt blue, give your white denim outfit an added level of edge and intrigue. Or if you’re sporting a longer trouser leg, combine the look with an understated, yet chic, pair canvas shoes like Supergas Cotus canvas sneakers. 

Alternatively, if you’re faring with summer weather and trainers are a no-go, team your white jeans with a pair of flip-flops. Teaming your outfit with flip-flops creates more of a laid back, beach look especially with ripped and stressed white denim. Whilst shoes are important, also consider what you’re wearing on your upper half. Simple, understated and classic – a t-shirt is a great way to balance out your outfit to achieve a more casual look. As white forms such a versatile, blank canvas, you can really play around and have a lot of fun with exploring different colours and patterns. Try a stripey t-shirt with a round neck collar for a nautical vibe, or a t-shirt with bold, brash colours such as yellow or red to contrast for more of a dramatic contrast with your jeans.

How can you dress up white jeans for more formal occasions?

Crisp, clean and smart - the colour white has long since been associated with an air of sophistication. When you think of formal and significant life events such as interviews and weddings, the colour white is a consistent feature of smart attire. White jeans aren’t just a casual item, you can easily dress them up to suit more formal occasions by opting for the right footwear and accessories. To create a chic and sophisticated look, try combining your white denim jeans with a pair of shoes that boast a bit of height. A pair of heels instantly transform an outfit to exude sophistication. With a narrow leg fit, a pair of stilettos will elongate the leg and make your calves appear thinner. If you’ve opted for a wide or flared leg fit, a pair of chunky heeled sandals will emphasize the shape of the flare and will give you a powerful walk. If you’re not keen on heels, try combining your pair of white denim jeans with some flat sandals. Showing a bit of ankle automatically gives off a classic and elegant look. Or for those of you not keen on showing a bit of ankle, ankle boots not only look smart but stylish too. Go for a pointed heel with a wide-leg fit to balance out the look. 

When considering what top to go for, think of elegant necklines that frame the face and/or collar bone areas, such as V or square neck. These two styles reveal a bit of skin and expose the neck and collarbone area, which effectively help to balance out the block white colour on your bottom half. Another great option is a button-down chiffon or silk blouse. This is a classic look that marks the perfect balance between formal and fun; integrating the silk texture is a nice touch, whilst the collar maintains a smart and chic feel.