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'Transformative Travel' is redefining travel as we know it

Transformative travel strips ambitious professionals from their familiar surroundings, loved ones and comforts, in a quest to better themselves personally and professionally. Goal driven and open-minded individuals are gravitating towards travel less as a form of escapism and more as an opportunity for self-development.

People are paying up to $7, 000 for challenging physical and/or cultural experiences in the name of transformational travel (TT). TT believes that in order to overcome fears and personal challenges, you need to step out of your comfort zone. From high-intensity activities such as white water rafting to reflective journaling – itineraries are curated to challenge and probe. Linking travel to personal development redefines travel. “Travel has become a means of exploration, discovery, and personal development”, reports Chris Davidson, EVP at MMGY Global. The Wellness Tourism Economy Report reported that wellness tourism has grown from a $563 billion market in 2015, to $639 billion in 2017.

TT resonates with people who are receptive to new ideas, with a thirst for something different. The sheer willingness to sacrifice annual leave and leisure time reveal the length people will go to for their development. In the midst of a competitive job market or business climate, TT provides an alternative to the armchair approach to self-improvement of books and podcasts. TT is more of an immediate, drastic and daring solution that succeeds with its lure for personal growth that can be transferred to their lives, businesses, and relationships back home.